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Routine: HDISVS01

Package: Health Data and Informatics

Routine: HDISVS01



Source Information

Source file <HDISVS01.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
VUID(PRSARR,ERRARR) ;Process XML data from VistA system
; Input : PRSARR - Array containing parsed XML document (closed root)
; This is the output of SAX^HDISVM01
; ERRARR - Array to output errors in (closed root)
FILE(DATA,EINDX,AINDX,SYSPTR,FFARR,ERRARR) ;Process 'File' portion of XML document
; Input : DATA - Array reference from which the 'File' element
; begins (closed root)
; EINDX - Element index array (closed root)
; AINDX - Attribute index array (closed root)
; SYSPTR - Pointer to HDIS SYSTEM file (#7118.21)
; FFARR - Array to output File/Field values (closed root)
; ERRARR - Error array (closed root)
ELEMENTS ;List of required elements in XML document
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