Source file <HDISVU01.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
XMLTFM(XMLDT,LTZ) | ;Convert XML date/time to FM date/time
; Input : XMLDT - XML date/time ; LTZ - Flag indicating if time should be converted to local ; time (XML d/t contains time zone designation) ; 0 = No (default) 1 = Yes |
FMTXML(FMDT,NOTIME,MIDNIGHT) | ;Convert FM date/time to XML date/time
; Input : FMDT - FileMan date/time ; NOTIME - Flag indicating if time shouldn't be included ; 0 = No (include time)(default) 1 = Yes (no time) ; MIDNIGHT - Flag indicating if midnight should be used when ; no time is passed in ; 0 = No (leave as is)(default) 1 = Yes |
ERR2XTMP(NODE,DESC,TEXTARR) | ;Add error info to XTMP global
; Input : NODE - Namespaced node name to store info off of ; (Defaults to "HDI") ; DESC - Error description (short text) ; TEXTARR - Array containing error text (full global ref) |