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Routine: HLDIE

Package: Health Level Seven

Routine: HLDIE


HLDIE ;CIOFO-O/LJA - Direct 772 & 773 Sets ; 08/05/2009 16:00

Source Information

Source file <HLDIE.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
FILE(FLAGS,ROOT,ERR,SUB,RTN) ; FILE^DIE functional equivalent...
; This call has similar parameters to FILE^DIE, but changes data
; using hard sets. The first two parameters of this API are the
; same as FILE^DIE. So, if any file other than 772 or 773 is being
; edited, this API just passes on the FLAGS,ROOT,ERR parameters to
; FILE^DIE and quits. If file 772 or 773 is being edited, the hard
; set code in HLDIE772 and HLDIE773 is called.
EDITALL(ROOT,FILE,IEN) ; Edit 772 or 773 by direct sets...
GETNODES(FILE,IEN,NODE) ; Load pre-change data for each node in
; NODE(node,0), and load node to be changed in NODE(node,1).
; GBL -- req
STORE(FILE,IEN,NODE) ; Store changes in file...
CHKFLD(FILE,FIELD) ; Does passed-in field exist?
; Returns -- @ERR@(...) ->
ERRNO(NUM,TXT,FILE,PNO) ; Return next ERROR number and create general data...
GENLERR(ETXT) ; Store GENERAL (and fatal) error...
; ERR -- req
CHECKS() ; Check ROOT() for file and validity of data...
; FLAGS, ROOT() -- req --> FILE,IEN
BEGIN ; Always call here before any ^HLDIE or ^DIE calls...
END ; Always call here after all ^HLDIE or ^DIE actions...
DEBUG(LOC) ; Debug presets and setup...
; Most variables created here should be left around. These variables
; are newed above.
EOR ;HLDIE - Direct 772 & 773 Sets ; 11/18/2003 11:17
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