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Routine: HLUCM001

Package: Health Level Seven

Routine: HLUCM001


HLUCM001 ;CIOFO-O/LJA - HL7/Capacity Mgt API (continued) ;05/01/2012

Source Information

Source file <HLUCM001.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ADDTMP ; Accumulate totals into ^TMP(TOTALS,$J,...)
TOTALING ; Grand totals
ACCUMHR ; Hour totaling
ACCUMSP ; Namespace totaling
ACCUMPR ; Protocol totaling...
; DATA(),FAC,START -- req
INCR ; Increment totals in TOTCURR...
; CHAR,SEC -- req
HR(FMDT) ; Return FM DATE and HOUR only...
OKPAR101(PAR) ; PAR=IEN101...
TYPELR(IEN772,FACNM) ; Is this Local or Remote or Unknown?
; SITENM -- req
SLR(IEN772,LR) ; Store the L/R type for use for FACILITY sorting
PREPARE() ; Called by $$CM & $$CM2 and other APIs...
ZEROUP ; If didn't add 0^...
FIND101(VAL) ; No checking for upp/lowercase. Must be passed right!
; VAL = Protocol name...
REFPROT(PROT) ; If passed by reference, is PROT in array? 0=Don't count, 2=Count
; PROTYPE -- req
REFPCKG(PCKG) ; If passed by reference, is PCKG in array? 0=Don't count,1=OK to count
; NMSPTYPE -- req
EOR ; HLUCM001 - HL7/Capacity Mgt API (continued) ;2/27/01 10:15
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