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Routine: IB20P191

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IB20P191


IB20P191 ;ALB/ARH - IB*2*191 POST INIT: EDI UPDATES ; 08/12/02

Source Information

Source file <IB20P191.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
INSXRF ; PRE-INSTALL - delete trigger cross references
CLEAN ; Clean left over nodes from the EDI Message File (364.2) - any node where there is no .01 field defined
STATUS ; Update the resubmitted bills' status and new batch pointer
; Assume the bills are in the file in IEN order that corresponds to
; the order in which they were transmitted. Starting at the last one
; transmitted (highest IEN), look at the entry just before it and
; assume the earlier one was resubmitted in the later one's batch.
; Update the status if it's one of the standard ones from the return
; message (P, A0, A1, or A2).
INSPRV ; Copy Hospital Provider Number (36,.11) into new field Professional Provider Number (36,.17)

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIC(36 - [#36] Classic Fileman Calls
^IBA(364 - [#364] Classic Fileman Calls
^IBA(364.2 - [#364.2] Classic Fileman Calls
^DGCR(399 - [#399] DELIX^DDMOD
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