;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**156**;21-MAR-94
;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
XTYPE ; - tag XTYPE - returns array of billable action types for service
; input x=service^dfn
; output y= 1 if successful, -1^error code in not successful
; y(action type,n) = action type^unit cost^service
; action type is internal number in file 350.1
; n=0 not billable, n=1 billable, n=2 additional data needed
; - process new/renew/refill rx for charges
; - input x=service^dfn^action type^user duz
; - x(n)=softlink^units
; - output y= 1^sum of total charges of y(n)'s if success, or -1^error code if error
; y(n) pieces are:
; 1 - IBnumber
; 2 - total charge this entry
; 3 - AR bill number
; 4 - cap met flag (1=yes,0=no)
; 5 - Full or Partial bill ("F", "P" or "")
; 6 - Exempt (1=exempt,0=non-exempt,-1=copay off)
; 7 - IEN from file 354.71
CANCEL ; - cancel charges for a rx
; - input x = service^dfn^^user duz
; x(n)=IBnumber^Cancellation reason
; - output y = 1 if sucess, -1^error code if error
; y(n)= IBnumber^total charge^AR bill number
; if y = -1^error code then one or more
; y(n)'s will =-1^error code
UPDATE ; - will cancel current open charge and create updated entry
; - input x = service^dfn^action type^user duz
; x(n) = softlink^units^IBnumber of parent to cancel^cancellation reason
; - output y = 1 if success, -1^error code if err
; y(n) pieces are:
; 1 - IBnumber
; 2 - total charge this entry
; 3 - AR bill number
; 4 - cap met flag (1=yes,0=no)
; 5 - Full or Partial bill ("F", "P" or "")
; 6 - Exempt (1=exempt,0=non-exempt,-1=copay off)
; 7 - IEN from file 354.71
STATUS ; - will return the status of an entry in file 350
; - call with $$STATUS^IBARX(ien from 350)
; - output will be:
; 0 = not a valid 350 ien
; 1 = Billed
; 2 = Cancelled
; 3 = Updated
CANIBAM ; - will allow to cancel a potential charge that has not been charged.
; - call with D CANIBAM^IBARX where is defined with an array of entries
; to be cancelled from 354.71
; ex: X("3543243A")=23423^1
; X(1)=32942^1
; First piece of X is the ien and second piece is the reason
; - output will be Y in the same numbered array where Y(x) =
; any positive number for OK
; -1^message for not OK
UPIBAM ; - will cancel current potential charge and create updated entry
; in file 354.71 - ONLY one allowed at a time.
; - input x = service^dfn^action type^user duz
; x(n) = softlink^units^IBAM number (in 354.71) to cancel^cancellation reason
; - output y = 1 if success, -1^error code if err
; y(n) pieces are: new IBAM number if success, -1^error code if err
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HIBARXDOC 3325 printed Dec 13, 2024@02:07:04 Page 2
+1 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**156**;21-MAR-94
+2 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
+3 ;
XTYPE ; - tag XTYPE - returns array of billable action types for service
+1 ; input x=service^dfn
+2 ; output y= 1 if successful, -1^error code in not successful
+3 ; y(action type,n) = action type^unit cost^service
+4 ;
+5 ; action type is internal number in file 350.1
+6 ; n=0 not billable, n=1 billable, n=2 additional data needed
+7 ;
+8 ;
+1 ; - process new/renew/refill rx for charges
+2 ; - input x=service^dfn^action type^user duz
+3 ; - x(n)=softlink^units
+4 ;
+5 ; - output y= 1^sum of total charges of y(n)'s if success, or -1^error code if error
+6 ; y(n) pieces are:
+7 ; 1 - IBnumber
+8 ; 2 - total charge this entry
+9 ; 3 - AR bill number
+10 ; 4 - cap met flag (1=yes,0=no)
+11 ; 5 - Full or Partial bill ("F", "P" or "")
+12 ; 6 - Exempt (1=exempt,0=non-exempt,-1=copay off)
+13 ; 7 - IEN from file 354.71
+14 ;
+15 ;
CANCEL ; - cancel charges for a rx
+1 ; - input x = service^dfn^^user duz
+2 ; x(n)=IBnumber^Cancellation reason
+3 ;
+4 ; - output y = 1 if sucess, -1^error code if error
+5 ; y(n)= IBnumber^total charge^AR bill number
+6 ; if y = -1^error code then one or more
+7 ; y(n)'s will =-1^error code
+8 ;
+9 ;
UPDATE ; - will cancel current open charge and create updated entry
+1 ; - input x = service^dfn^action type^user duz
+2 ; x(n) = softlink^units^IBnumber of parent to cancel^cancellation reason
+3 ;
+4 ; - output y = 1 if success, -1^error code if err
+5 ; y(n) pieces are:
+6 ; 1 - IBnumber
+7 ; 2 - total charge this entry
+8 ; 3 - AR bill number
+9 ; 4 - cap met flag (1=yes,0=no)
+10 ; 5 - Full or Partial bill ("F", "P" or "")
+11 ; 6 - Exempt (1=exempt,0=non-exempt,-1=copay off)
+12 ; 7 - IEN from file 354.71
+13 ;
STATUS ; - will return the status of an entry in file 350
+1 ;
+2 ; - call with $$STATUS^IBARX(ien from 350)
+3 ;
+4 ; - output will be:
+5 ; 0 = not a valid 350 ien
+6 ; 1 = Billed
+7 ; 2 = Cancelled
+8 ; 3 = Updated
+9 ;
CANIBAM ; - will allow to cancel a potential charge that has not been charged.
+1 ;
+2 ; - call with D CANIBAM^IBARX where is defined with an array of entries
+3 ; to be cancelled from 354.71
+4 ; ex: X("3543243A")=23423^1
+5 ; X(1)=32942^1
+6 ; First piece of X is the ien and second piece is the reason
+7 ;
+8 ; - output will be Y in the same numbered array where Y(x) =
+9 ; any positive number for OK
+10 ; -1^message for not OK
+11 ;
UPIBAM ; - will cancel current potential charge and create updated entry
+1 ; in file 354.71 - ONLY one allowed at a time.
+2 ; - input x = service^dfn^action type^user duz
+3 ; x(n) = softlink^units^IBAM number (in 354.71) to cancel^cancellation reason
+4 ;
+5 ; - output y = 1 if success, -1^error code if err
+6 ; y(n) pieces are: new IBAM number if success, -1^error code if err
+7 ;