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Routine: IBCNBMI

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNBMI


IBCNBMI ;ALB/ARH/AWC - Ins Buffer: move buffer data to insurance files ;09 Mar 2005 11:42 AM

Source Information

Source file <IBCNBMI.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
INS(IBBUFDA,IBINSDA,TYPE,RESULT) ; move buffer insurance company data (file 355.33) to existing Insurance Company (file 36)
GRP(IBBUFDA,IBGRPDA,TYPE,RESULT) ; move buffer insurance group/plan data (file 355.33) to existing Group/Plan (file 355.3)
; move buffer insurance policy data (file 355.33) to existing Patient Policy (file 2.312)
SUB(IBBUFDA,IBPOLDA,IBRIEN,IBSEL,IBTYPE,IBRESULT,DFN,IBFNAM,IBVAL,IBHOLD,IBXHOLD) ; move patient data(file #2) <or> income person data(408.13) to existing Patient Policy (file 2.312)
SET(SET,IBBUFDA,IBEXTDA,TYPE,RESULT) ; move buffer data to insurance files
; Input: IBBUFDA - ifn of Buffer File entry to move (#355.33)
; IBEXTDA - ifn of insurance entry to update (#36,355.3,2)
; TYPE - 1 = Merge (only buffer data moved to blank fields in ins file, no replace)
; 2 = Overwrite (all buffer data moved to ins file, replace existing data)
; 3 = Replace (all buffer data including null move to ins file)
; 4 = Individually Accept (Skip Blanks) (user accepts
; individual diffs b/w buffer data and existing file data (excl blanks)
; to overwrite flds (or addr grp) in existing file)
; Output: RESULT - Passed array to return FM error message if there are
; errors when filing the buffer data
STUFF(SET,IBEXTDA,RESULT) ; update fields in insurance files that
FIELDS(SET) ; return array of corresponding fields: IBFLDS(Buffer #)=Ins #
INSFLD ; corresponding fields: Buffer File (355.33) & Insurance Company file (36)
GRPFLD ;corresponding fields: Buffer File (355.33) and Insurance Group Plan file (355.3)
GRPA ; auto set fields
POLFLD ; corresponding fields: Buffer File (355.33) and Insurance Patient Policy file (2.312)
POLA ; auto set fields
POLOTH(IBBUFDA,IBPOLDA,RESULT) ; other special cases that can not be transferred using the generic code above, usually because of dependencies
PAT(DFN,IBPOLDA) ; Force DOB, SSN & SEX from Patient file (#2) in to Insurance Patient Policy file (2.312)

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DPT - [#2] GET1^DIQ
2.312 GET1^DIQ
^IBA(355.33 - [#355.33] GETS^DIQ
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