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Routine: IBCNEHL1

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNEHL1


IBCNEHL1 ;DAOU/ALA - HL7 Process Incoming RPI Messages ; 26-JUN-2002

Source Information

Source file <IBCNEHL1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN(EVENTYP) ;Entry Point
AUTOFIL(DFN,IEN312,ISSUB) ;Finish processing the response message - file directly into patient insurance
GRPFILE(DFN,IEN312,RIEN,AFLG) ;IB*497 file data at node 12 & at subfiles 2.312, 9, 10 & 11
; DFN - file 2 ien
; IEN312 - file 2.312 ien
; RIEN - file 365 ien
; AFLG - 1 if called from autoupdate, 0 if called from ins. buffer process entry
FIL ;Finish processing the response message - file into insurance buffer
EBFILE(DFN,IEN312,RIEN,AFLG) ;File eligibility/benefit data from file 365 into file 2.312
EXPIRED(EXPDT) ; check if insurance policy has already expired
; EXPDT - expiration date (2.312/3)
; returns 1 if expiration date is in the past, 0 otherwise

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^VA(200 - [#200] FIND1^DIC
^IBE(350.9 - [#350.9] GET1^DIQ
^IBA(355.33 - [#355.33] GET1^DIQ
^IBCN(365 - [#365] GET1^DIQ,  GETS^DIQ
365.01 GETS^DIQ
365.04 GETS^DIQ
365.09 GETS^DIQ
^IBCN(365.1 - [#365.1] GET1^DIQ
^IBE(365.12 - [#365.12] GET1^DIQ
365.121 GET1^DIQ
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