IBCNEHLQ ;DAOU/ALA - HL7 RQI Message ;17-JUN-2002
Source file <IBCNEHLQ.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; Entry Point
; Variables ; HLFS = Field Separator ; DFN = Patient IEN ; PAYR = Payer IEN ; BUFF = Buffer IEN ; FRDT = Freshness Date |
PID | ; Patient Identification Segment
GT1 | ; Guarantor Segment
IN1 | ; Insurance Segment
NTE(CTR) | ; NTE Segment
CHK | ; Check for spouse or other information in the Patient Relation File
; DGREL = Relationship (1=Self, 2=Spouse, 3-34,99=Other) |
ENCHL7(STR) | ; Encode HL7 escape seqs in data fields
SCRUB(Z) | ; remove all punctuation from the string and convert lowercase to uppercase
; IB*2*416 - used for subscriber and patient ID fields |
PATREL(REL) | ; convert pat.relationship to insured from VistA to X12 and return X12 value
; REL - VistA value ; ; VistA values of Self (18), Spouse (01), and Child (19) remain unchanged, ; anything else is converted to X12 value of Other Adult (34) |
FileNo | Call Tags |
2.312 | GET1^DIQ |
^IBE(355.12 - [#355.12] | GET1^DIQ |
^IBA(355.33 - [#355.33] | GET1^DIQ |
^IBCN(365.1 - [#365.1] | EXTERNAL^DILFD, GET1^DIQ |
^IBE(365.12 - [#365.12] | FIND1^DIC, GET1^DIQ |
^IBCN(365.18 - [#365.18] | GET1^DIQ |
365.185 | GETS^DIQ |