; -- check one entry for active
; -- Input X = Zeroth node of entry in insurance multiple (2.312)
; Z = date to check
; Y = 2 if want will not reimburse
; = 3 if want will not reimburse AND indemnity plans
; = 4 if want will not reimburse, but only if it's
; -- Output 1 = Insurance Active
; 0 = Inactive
; -- Pull zeroth node from Patient's Insurance Type
; subfile. This function returns the zeroth node of the Insurance Type
; subfile of the Patient file, i.e. ^DPT(DFN,.312,NODE,0). Both DFN
; and NODE must be passed in. Pieces 3 (Group Number) and 15 (Group
; Name) will be pulled from file# 355.3, Group Insurance Plan, based
; on the Group Plan field on the zeroth node (piece 18). If the
; ZNDFILE/399 flag is not set to '399', then the Subscriber ID and Name
; of Insured will be overwritten with the values in the new HIPAA-
; compliant fields, which are on the seven node.