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Routine: IBCNSU

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNSU



Source Information

Source file <IBCNSU.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
AB(IBCPOL,IBYR,IBASK) ; -- Return entry in Annual Benefits file
; Input: IBCPOL = pointer to health insurance policy file
; IBYR = fileman internal date, Default = dt
; IBASK = 1 if want to ask okay to add new entry
ADDB(IBCPOL,IBYR) ; -- add entries to Annual Benefits file
; Input: IBCPOL = pointer to health insurance policy file
; IBYR = fileman internal date, Default = dt
CHIP(IBCDFND) ; -- convert node with no hip pointer to one with hip pointer
; Input: IBCDFND = zeroth node of insurance type multiple
; = ^dpt(dfn,.312,ibcdfn,0)
HIP(IBCNS,IBGRP,IBGRNA,IBGRNU) ; -- find internal entry number in policy file
; Input: IBCNS = pointer to ins co file
; IBGRP = 1 if group policy, 0 if not
; IBGRNA = group name
; IBGRNU = group number
  • ICR #944
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    ADDH(IBCNS,IBGRP,IBGNA,IBGNU) ; -- add entries to health insurance policy file (355.3)
    ; Input: IBCNS = pointer to ins co file
    ; IBGRP = 1 if group policy, 0 if no
    ODELP(DFN,INS) ; -- can an insurance policy be deleted
    ; -- called by ^dd(2.312,0,"del",.01) and by ibcnsm
    ; -- input dfn: ien of patient in file 2.
    ; ins: ien of ins. co in file 36
    STRIP(X,X1) ; -- strip characters from string
    ; input: x = string
    ; x1 = character to strip (default is ";"
    DELP(DFN,INS,IBC) ; -- can an insurance policy be deleted
    ; -- called by ^dd(2.312,0,"del",.01) and by ibcnsm
    ; -- input dfn: ien of patient in file 2.
    ; ins: ien of ins. co in file 36
    ; ibc: ien of policy in file 2.312 to do a match
    DUPADDRL(DATA,IBCNS,FLD1,FLD2) ; Insurance address lines can not be duplicated
    ; DATA - Value being compared
    ; FLD1 - First field to check against
    ; FLD2 - Second field to check against (OPTIONAL)
    ZIPCHK9(ZIP) ;AITC/JRA - IB*2.0*576 Check if ZIP is in proper 9-digit format

    FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

    FileNo Call Tags
    ^IBA(355.3 - [#355.3] Classic Fileman Calls
    ^IBA(355.4 - [#355.4] Classic Fileman Calls
    ^DIC(36 - [#36] GET1^DIQ
    Info |  Source |  Entry Points |  FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call