Source file <IBCNSU21.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
LKP(IBCNS,IBIND,IBACT,IBIGN,IBFIL) | ; Select Utility for Insurance Company Plans
INIT | ; Build the list of plans.
HDR | ; Build the list header.
EXIT | ; Exit action.
BLD | ;
; Builds a line to display one insurance company ; Input: ICTR - Selection Number ; IIEN - IEN of the Policy to be displayed ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A",$J,IIEN) - Array of currently selected policies |
; Protocol Action to select an unselected policy ; Input: NUMSEL - Current number of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21",$J) - Current Array of displayed policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21IX",$J) - Current Index of displayed policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A,$J,IIEN) - Current Array of selected policies ; Output: NUMSEL - Updated number of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A,$J,IIEN)- Updated Array of selected policies ; Selected Insurance Company is added to the worklist ; Error message displayed (potentially) |
; Protocol Action to deselect an already selected policy ; Input: SELECTED - 1 - Called from IBCN POL DESELECT ; 0 - Called from IBCN DESELECT ; Optional, defaults to 0 ; NUMSEL - Current number of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21",$J) - Current Array of displayed policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21S",$J) - Current Array of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21IX",$J) - Current Index of displayed policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A,$J,IIEN)- Current Array of selected policies ; Output: NUMSEL - Current number of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A,$J,IIEN)- Updated Array of selected policies ; Selected policy is removed from the worklist ; Error message displayed (potentially) |
; Protocol action used to display a listman template of the currently ; selected policies ; Input: NUMSEL - Current number of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A",$J,IEN) - Current Array of selected policies ; Output: NUMSEL - Updated number of selected policies ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21A",$J,IEN) - Updated Array of selected policies |
INIT2 | ;EP for Show Selections
; Initialize variables and list array ; Input: None ; Output: ^TMP("IBCNSU21S",$J) - Body lines to display |
BLD2 | ; Build listman body for Show Selections
; Input: None ; Output: VALMCNT - Total number of lines displayed in the body ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21S",$J) - Body lines to display ; ^TMP("IBCNSU21SIX",$J) - Index of Entry IENs by display line |
EXIT2 | ;EP for Show Selections
; Exit code ; Input: None |
HELP | ||
PLANOK(DATA,IBACT,IBNANU,IBFLT) | ;Check to see if plan qualifies
FILTER(STR,FLT) | ; Filter Group Name or Number
FILTERX | ; Exit
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^IBA(355.3 - [#355.3] | GETS^DIQ |
^DIC(36 - [#36] | GET1^DIQ |
^DIC(5 - [#5] | GET1^DIQ |