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Routine: IBNCPEV3

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBNCPEV3



Source Information

Source file <IBNCPEV3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; Compile the data for the new Non-Billable Status report
; Input:
; BEGDT - Beginning Date
; ENDDT - Ending Date
; MWC - A:All; M:Mail; W:Window; C:CMOP, if multiple entries MWC="C,M"
; RELNRL - 1:All; 2:Released; 3:Not Released
; IBDRUG - 0:All; DRUG to report on (ptr to #50), if multiple entries IBDRUG=ptr,ptr,...
; DRUGCLS - 0:All; DRUG CLASS to report on (ptr to #50.5), if multiple entries DRUGCLS=ptr,ptr,...
; ALLRCNT - A:All; R:Most recent
; IBPHARM/IBPHARM(ptr) - 0:All pharmacies; 1:Array of IENs of pharmacies
; IBINS/IBINS(ptr) - 0:All insurances or list of file 36 IENs
; IBNBSTS/IBNBSTS(x) - 0:All; 1:Array of Non-Billable Status
; IBELIG1/IBELIG1(x) - 0:All; 1:Array of multiple eligibilities
; IBGLTMP - Temporary Global Storage (returned with extracted data)
; IBPAT - 0:All; ptr to #2 PATIENT, IBPAT=ptr,ptr,...
; IBBILL - 0:All; 1:Range of Billed Amount - then check IBMIN and IBMAX
; IBMIN=minimum billed amount entered, default is 0
; IBMAX=maximum billed amount entered, default is 999999
; Return field values for Drug file
; Function returns field data if one field is specified. If
; multiple fields, the function will return "" and the field
; values are returned in IBARR
; Example: W $$DRUGDIE^IBNCPEV3(134,25,"E",.ARR)
; IEN - IEN of DRUG FILE #50
; FLD - Field Number(s) (like .01)
; FORMAT - Specifies internal or external value of returned field
; - optional, defaults to "I"
; IBARR - Array to return value(s). Optional. Pass by reference.
; See EN^DIQ documentation for variable DIQ
; Get Drug Class Name
; Calculate Drug Cost for RX/Fill
; Input:
; RX: Prescription IEN
; FILL: Fill Number
; Output:
; Drug Cost

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: $$DRUGDIE^IBNCPEV3(134,25,"E",.ARR)
  • Line Location: DRUGDIE+5

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIC(36 - [#36] GET1^DIQ
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