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Routine: IBPU

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBPU



Source Information

Source file <IBPU.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ASK(FILE,JOB) ; User prompts to find/archive/purge entries for each data file.
; Input: FILE -- Billing Data file number
; JOB -- 1 Find Billing Data to Archive
; -- 2 Archive Billing Data
; -- 3 Purge Billing Data
; Output: -1 -- Exit option
; 0 -- No action to be taken
; 1^a -- Take action.
; Optional second piece (a) is ien of
; log entry if a restart is required.
START(NAME,JOB) ; Start find/archive/purge action?
; Input: NAME -- File name
; JOB -- same as above (1, 2, or 3)
; Output: 1 -- Yes, 0 -- No, -1 -- Exit Option
RESTART(NAME,FILE,JOB) ; Re-start find/archive action?
; Input: NAME -- File name
; FILE -- Billing Data file number
; JOB -- same as above (only 1 or 2)
; Output: 1 -- Yes, 0 -- No, -1 -- Exit Option
LOG(FILE) ; Determine Log status for a file.
; Input: FILE -- Billing Data file number
; Output: 0 -- File undefined, or invalid file number
; 1 -- No active log entry on file
; 2 -- Active log entry on file - entries FOUND
; 3 -- Active log entry on file - entries ARCHIVED
NUM() ; How many previous fiscal year's worth of data should be retained?
; Input: NONE Output: number of years, or -1 to exit option.
DAT() ; What is the date through which data should be archived?
; Input: NONE Output: final date for archiving, or -1 to exit.

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"File #",FILE," is not defined."
  • Line Location: ASK+11
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"You must ",$S(STATUS=1:"find ",1:"archive "),FNAME," entries before you can ",$S(JOB=2:"archive.",1:"purge.")
  • Line Location: ASK+13
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,NAME," file entries have already been ",$P("found.^archived.","^",JOB)
  • Line Location: RESTART+6
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