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Routine: IBY377PR


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IBY377PR ;ALB/ESG - Pre-Installation for IB patch 377 ;26-Nov-2007
 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**377**;21-MAR-94;Build 23
 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
 D DELOF       ; delete all output formatter data elements included in build
 D DELINS      ; delete inactive patient insurance fields and data
 D DELIX^DDMOD(364.6,.1,1)   ; delete traditional x-ref
DELOF ; Delete included output formatter entries
 F FILE=5,6,7 S DIK="^IBA(364."_FILE_"," F LN=2:1 S TAG="ENT"_FILE_"+"_LN,DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) Q:DATA=""  D
 . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA  I $D(^IBA("364."_FILE,DA,0)) D ^DIK
 . Q
 ; Also delete output formatter entries which are not going to be
 ; re-added later.  These are non-functioning or obsolete entries
 ; in file 364.6.
 S DIK="^IBA(364.6,",TAG="DEL6+2",DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2)
 I DATA'="" D
 . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA  I $D(^IBA(364.6,DA,0)) D ^DIK
 . Q
 ; Also delete output formatter entries which are not going to be
 ; re-added later.  These are non-functioning or obsolete entries
 ; in file 364.7.
 S DIK="^IBA(364.7,",TAG="DEL7+2",DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2)
 I DATA'="" D
 . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA  I $D(^IBA(364.7,DA,0)) D ^DIK
 . Q
DELINS ; This procedure will delete 7 inactive fields from the patient insurance subfile (#2.312)
 ; The reason we are doing this is so we can increase the size of the subscriber name field from 30 to 50 chars
 ; and we need to make some room.
 ; Fields deleted:   7  *RENEWAL DATE
 ;                   9  *AGENT'S NAME
 ;                  10  *AGENT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER
 ;                  11  *AGENT'S STREET
 ;                  12  *AGENT'S CITY
 ;                  13  *AGENT'S STATE
 ;                  14  *AGENT'S ZIP CODE
 ; These fields have been inactivated since early 1993, being deleted in 2008.
 D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing inactive data from the patient insurance file ... ")
 ; If these fields are already gone, then this process has already been run so get out
 I '$$VFIELD^DILFD(2.312,7),'$$VFIELD^DILFD(2.312,9),'$$VFIELD^DILFD(2.312,11) D MES^XPDUTL("   ... Data and Fields already removed.  No further action.")  G DELINSX
 D MES^XPDUTL("Each ""."" represents 10,000 patients  ")
 S DFN=0,CNT=0
 . S CNT=CNT+1 I CNT#10000=0,'$D(ZTQUEUED) W "."
 . S POL=0 F  S POL=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,POL)) Q:'POL  D
 .. Q:'$D(^DPT(DFN,.312,POL,0))
 .. F PCE=7,9:1:14 S $P(^DPT(DFN,.312,POL,0),U,PCE)=""    ; blank out these 7 pieces
 .. Q
 . Q
 D MES^XPDUTL("   ... Done.")
 ; now remove the fields from the DD
 D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing inactive fields from the Data Dictionary ... ")
 S DIK="^DD(2.312,"
 S DA(1)=2.312
 F DA=7,9:1:14 D ^DIK
 D MES^XPDUTL("   ... Done.")
INCLUDE(FILE,Y) ; function to determine if output formatter entry should be
 ; included in the build
 ; FILE=5,6,7 indicating file 364.x
 ; Y=ien to file
 S OK=0
 F LN=2:1 S TAG="ENT"_FILE_"+"_LN,DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) Q:DATA=""  I $F(DATA,U_Y_U) S OK=1 Q
 ; 364.5 entries modified:
ENT5 ; output formatter entries in file 364.5 to be included
 ; 364.6 entries modified:
ENT6 ; output formatter entries in file 364.6 to be included
 ; 364.7 entries modified:
ENT7 ; output formatter entries in file 364.7 to be included
DEL6 ; remove output formatter entries in file 364.6 (not re-added)
DEL7 ; remove output formatter entries in file 364.7 (not re-added)