IBY521PR ;ALB/GEF - Pre install routine for patch 521 ; 10-NOV-14
Source file <IBY521PR.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DOC | ;
; HPID Build 1 created 4 new fields in file 36. ; 2 had cross-references which were set up to allow as look-ups. ; Build 2 changes those cross-references to be non-lookup. ; This change requires they now start with "A": ; 8.01 - HPID/OEID - was "HOD", now will be "AHOD" ; 8.04 - NID IF - was "NIF", now will be "ANIF" |
INDXDD | ; PRE-INSTALL comes here
; DELETE old cross-references for fields 8.01 & 8.04 (HOD & NIF) from DD and file |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIC(36 - [#36] | DELIX^DDMOD |