IVM2B102 ;ALB/PJR - IVM*2.0*102 POST-INSTALL ; 12/30/04 3:51pm
Source file <IVM2B102.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EP | ;Entry point
QUETASK | ;Queue the task
EP1 | ;Entry point
CHK | ;check for completion
MSG | ;create bulletin message in install file.
INCYR(XIEN) | ;Get valid income year
ACTIVE(TASK) | ;Checks if task is running
; input -- The taskman ID ; output -- 1=The task is running ; 0=The task is not running |
IVM2 | ||
FileNo | Call Tags |
^HLCS(869.3 - [#869.3] | GET1^DIQ |