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Routine: LA7VOBX4

Package: Automated Lab Instruments

Routine: LA7VOBX4


LA7VOBX4 ;DALOI/JMC - LAB OBX Segment message builder (MI subscripts) cont'd ;11/18/11 14:48

Source Information

Source file <LA7VOBX4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GEN ; Fields common to all MI OBX segments.
CC ; Organism's Colony count
; If "CFU/ml" found then move units to OBX-6 (Units).
ORG ; Organism
MIC ; Organism's susceptibilities
MICA ; Bacteria organism's susceptibilities - free text
PSTAGE ; Parasite's stage
PQTY ; Parasite's stage quantity
MTSCT ; Map specific values to SNOMED CT
; Required variables
; LA7X = local reportable result - Will be inserted in 9th component as local term
; LA7Y = SCT code to lookup
; LA7VAL = encoded SCT term with local term

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^LAB(62.06 - [#62.06] GET1^DIQ
63.35 GET1^DID
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