LA7VORM1 ;DALOI/DLR - LAB ORM (Order) message builder ;06/19/12 16:19
Source file <LA7VORM1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
BUILD(LA7628) | ;
; Call with LA7628 = ien of entry in file #62.8 Shipping Manifest |
EXIT | ;
STARTMSG | ; Create/initialize HL message
SENDMSG | ; File HL7 message with HL and LAB packages.
UPDT6249 | ; update entry in 62.49
PID | ; Patient identification
PV1 | ; Location information
; DoD/CHCS facilities do not use PV1 segment |
ORC | ;Order Control
ITEM | ; Setup identifier for item in PLACER FIELD 2.
BLG | ; Billing segment
FileNo | Call Tags |
^LRO(68 - [#68] | GET1^DIQ |
68.04 | GET1^DIQ |