LR52P508 ;AITC/CR - Cleanup of Execute Code File (#62.07) ; 6/18/18 12:37pm
Source file <LR52P508.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ERR | ; keep a history of any error that happened during the installation
POST | ; save the DESCRPTION field in EXECUTE CODE file (#62.07) before changes
; lrdsc displays exec code descriptions for bacteriology, tb bacteriology, and mycology ; lrien values are national standard IENs for the 3 exec codes above |
POST1 | ; edit field #1 for the Bacteriology record (#7)
UPDATE | ; common code for update of field #1, Execute Code File
FileNo | Call Tags |
^LAB(62.07 - [#62.07] | Classic Fileman Calls, FIND1^DIC, GET1^DIQ |