LRUEPR ;DALOI/JMC - External Package Reference Utility ;10/18/10 16:43
Source file <LRUEPR.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SETREF(LRDFN,LRREF,LRDATA,LRACTION) | ; Set reference to external package in file #63
; Call with LRDFN = File #63 IEN ; LRREF = value of #.01 field in format LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,0 or other ending reference ; e.g. "123,SP,6919594.8946,0" ; if reference to other file then use format LRDFN,file #,other ending reference. ; e.g. "123,69,LRODT,LRSN,0" ; e.g. "123,68,LRAA,LRAD,LRAN,0" ; LRDATA = array with data to store ; LRACTION = 1-update if exists otherwise add ; 2-always add |
UEE | ; Update existing entry
CNE | ; Create new entry
DEE(LRIENS) | ; Delete existing entry
; Call with LRRIENS = File #63 external package reference IENS |
GETDATA(LRDATA,LRIENS) | ; Retrieve information for a specific entry
; Call with LRDATA = array to return data, pass by reference ; LRRIENS = File #63 external package reference IENS |
SRCASE(LRDATA,LRSRTN) | ; Retrieve related surgeon/attending for a surgical case
; Call with LRDATA = array to return data, pass by reference ; LRSTRN = ien of case in SURGERY file #130 |
SRCASERR(LRREF,LRCDATA,LRERRMSG) | ; Log/update surgical case ref when error occurs on retrieval.
; Call with LRREF = value of #.01 field in format LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,0 or other ending reference ; e.g. "123,SP,6919594.8946,0" |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^SRF - [#130] | GETS^DIQ |
63.00013 | GETS^DIQ |