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Package: Imaging



MAGDGMRC ;WOIFO/PMK,EdM,MLH,DAC - Read a DICOM image file ; Nov 08, 2019@10:50:30

Source Information

Source file <MAGDGMRC.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ANYREQ(DFN) ; check if any GMRC requests are present for the patient
TIULAST(GMRCIEN) ; find the ien of the most recent TIU note for this request
TIUALL(GMRCIEN,RESULT) ; find all IENs for the TIU notes for this request
FWDFROM(GMRCIEN) ; for a forwarded request, determine the FORWARD FROM service
UNSIGNED(GMRCIEN) ; check if there are any unsigned TIU notes for the request

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^GMR(123 - [#123] FIND^DIC
123.02 LIST^DIC
123.03 LIST^DIC
^TIU(8925 - [#8925] GET1^DIQ
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