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Routine: MAGDHLE

Package: Imaging

Routine: MAGDHLE



Source Information

Source file <MAGDHLE.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SENDA08(DFN) ; External API entry point from Radiology Package - P183 PMK 3/16/17
  • ICR #6761
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    ADTA08 ; Patient Update event from VAFC ADT-A08 SERVER event driver - P183 PMK 3/16/17
    ; Upon entry, DFN will be set to the patient
    ; The DG* variables are not defined by the VAFC package
    SSNCHECK(SSNCHANGES) ; Check for SSN change, return values
    ; Return 1 if there was an SSN change and 0 otherwise
    ; If there was an SSN change, do the following:
    ; save the old value in SSNCHANGES(DATEIME,"OLD")
    ; save the new value in SSNCHANGES(DATEIME,"NEW")
    ; set NEWSSN(DATEIME) to the new value
    ADT ;ADT EVENTS ;From EVENT driver
    TSK ;CREATE TASK to make HL7 messages
    HL7 ;Create HL7 message
    EX ;EXIT
    SET ;Set Logic from MUMPS x-ref on fields .01,.03,.09 of ^DD(2 (^DPT)
    KIL ;Kill logic "AKn" cross references

    Interaction Calls

    Name Line Occurrences
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !?5,"*** HL7 TASK FOR PACS ***"
    • Line Location: TSK+10
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