MCARAPI ; HOIFO/NCA - Electrocardiogram Data Extraction ;7/3/96 09:13
Source file <MCARAPI.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GET(RESULTS,MCARDFN,MCSDT,MCEDT,MCFLDS) | ; Returns list of data from Electrocardiogram File #691.5
; Input: RESULTS - the global array in which (Required) ; to return results. ; MCARDFN - the patient DFN. (Required) ; MCSDT - the start date of the date (Required) ; range to return the data in. ; This must be in FM internal ; format. ; MCEDT - the end date of the date (Required) ; range to return the data in. ; This must be in FM internal ; format. ; MCFLDS - a list of fields from file #691.5 to (Required) ; be returned in RESULTS. MCFLDS should ; contain a list of fields delimited by ";" ; example: MCFLDS=".01;11;20..." |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^MCAR(691.5 - [#691.5] | GETS^DIQ, VFIELD^DILFD |