MDCLIOV ;HINES OIFO/DP - CliO Vitals Link;15 Nov 2010
Source file <MDCLIOV.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GETLIST | ; Used to gather the list by patient/start/stop
; MDROOT and P2(0..n) passed in via the Script Engine |
GETLOG | ; Get list of date/time pairs with data
; MDROOT and P2(0..n) passed in via the Script Engine |
GETBYID | ; Builds the IEN list from the Vitals ID's sent down
; P2(0..n) passed in via the Script Engine ; MDROOT overridden on purpose to pass back to the Script Engine |
GETOBS | ; Build the Vitals Sign as a CliO observation
; MDIENS is from the Script Engine as the current record being processed |
GETGUID(Y) | ; Returns the GUID for the current VUID
GETNAME(Y) | ; Returns the name of a term from GUID
GETMAP(ABBV) | ; Returns the mapping string
DISPMAP | ; Displays the mapping below in readable format
MAP | ; Contains the mappings from Vitals to CliO - vital;abbv;vuid;term_guid;unit_guid;Validity Check;CliO Transform;Param Field Hi;Param Field Lo
FileNo | Call Tags |
^GMR(120.5 - [#120.5] | GET1^DIQ |
120.505 | GET1^DIQ |
^GMRD(120.52 - [#120.52] | GET1^DIQ |
^GMRD(120.57 - [#120.57] | GET1^DID, GET1^DIQ |
^MDC(704.101 - [#704.101] | GET1^DIQ |