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Routine: MDHL7U3

Package: Clinical Procedures

Routine: MDHL7U3


MDHL7U3 ;HOIFO/WAA - Utilities for CP to process HL7 messages ;02/17/10 15:59

Source Information

Source file <MDHL7U3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
HL7CHK(MDD702) ; Check to see of there is an entry in 703.1 for a patient.
XVERT(MDA,MDB) ; Strip out blank Lines
PURGE(MDD7031) ;
; This sub-routine will delete HL7 772 Message text after a message
; been processed by Imaging.
PHY(X,MDIEN) ; Add the doc who did the exam to the report
CPTICD(X,MDIEN) ; Break out CPT and ICD9 codes
; Create an entry in the .1 node
MSGIEN(MDHLIENS,MDHLREST) ; Return the message as definded in MDHLIENS to the array in MDHLREST
; Only TCP type messages
; input: MDHLIENS= the intern entry number of the message in ^HLMA
; MDHLREST = the return array that will contain the whole HL7 message
; output: return "1^Message complete" if message was successful, "0^reason" if failed.
CICNV(MDIEN,RETURN) ; This subroutine will read the data in 703.1 and return the results
PROCESS(MDIEN,NODE,TYPE,ARRAY) ; This will process the data for each
NOTICE(SUBJECT,TXT,DEVIEN,DUZ) ; This will fire off a mail message to the Indicated mail group saying that a study was deleted
ALERT(MDSIEN) ; This is to send an e-mail to the main device mail group that a study has been deleted

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^VA(200 - [#200] GET1^DIQ
^XMB(3.8 - [#3.8] FIND1^DIC,  GET1^DIQ
^MDD(702 - [#702] GET1^DIQ
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