MDKRPC1 ;HIOFO/FT-RPC to return patient data ;8/12/16 10:45am
Source file <MDKRPC1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
RPC(RESULT,OPTION,DATA) | ; RPC to return existing VistA patient data for
; renal dialysis data entry. ; RPC: [MDK GET VISTA DATA] |
DEMO | ; demographic
ALLERGY | ; get allergy data
; DATA = DFN |
SHOTS | ; get latest vaccination data
LAB | ; get lab results
; data = dfn^start date^end date^max # of entires to return |
AD | ; get advance directives
; DATA = DFN |
CW | ; get clinical warnings
; DATA = DFN |
GETPROV | ; Get list of available providers with name starting with P1
TIME | ; Get time
GETLD | ; Get MDK Application Install Info
SETLD | ; Set MDK Application Install Info
RPC Name | Call Tags |