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Routine: MDUXMLU1

Package: Clinical Procedures

Routine: MDUXMLU1


MDUXMLU1 ; HOIFO/WAA -Utilities for XML text ; 7/26/00

Source Information

Source file <MDUXMLU1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
FILTER(DATA) ;Filter out the bad chars.
VAL(DATA) ;Convert any special charcters to standard XML format
CODING(TYPE,DATA) ; Coding of both CPT and ICD9
HEAD ;Creat the header of the XML message
TAIL ; Complete the message
NAME(NAME) ; Convert name
DATE(FIELD,DATE) ; Convert date and post as xml
XML(XMLLINE) ; create the XML Line in the temp file to be passed
FILE(MDIEN) ; File off the XML data into 703.1
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