MDXMLFM1 ; HOIFO/DP/NCA - Data -> XML Utilities ; [01-10-2003 09:14]
Source file <MDXMLFM1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
LOADALL(IENLIST,DD,FLDS) | ; Load complete dataset
LOADONE(IEN,DD,FLDS) | ; Load single record as dataset
BLDFLD(RESULTS,DD,FLDS) | ; Add a field or field^field to the FLDS array
BLDXML(DD,IEN,FLDS,MDFDAT) | ; Builds an XML Record based on DD, IEN, and FLDS
; Note: this is a standalone module requiring DD and IEN ; so that it can be easily used by the custom query routines |
XMLCMT(COMMENT) | ; Add a comment to a document
XMLHDR(TAG) | ; Add a header tag to the global
XMLFTR(TAG) | ; Add a footer tag to the global
XMLDATA(TAG,X) | ; Add a data element to the global
XMLPT(X) | ; Add a standard pt identifier node
XMLWP(TAG,X) | ; Add text in array @X to the global
XMLDT(TAG,X) | ; Add date or date/time to the global
XMLIDS(TAG,IDS,CLOSE) | ; Add a data element to the global with ids
XMLADD(X) | ; Add to the global
XMLOK(RESULTS) | ; Build an XML OK message
XMLERR(ERRMSG) | ; Build an XML error Message to return
XMLDATE(X) | ; Transform Y into XML safe date
XMLSAFE(X) | ; Transform X into XML safe data
TAGSAFE(X) | ; Transform X into XML tag
NEWDOC(ROOT,COMMENT) | ; Start a new document
ENDDOC(ROOT) | ; End this document
TRNSLT(X,X1,X2) | ; Translate every Y to Z in X