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Routine: MHV7BU

Package: My HealtheVet

Routine: MHV7BU


MHV7BU ;WAS/EFJ - HL7 message builder UTILITY ; [12/14/06 11:10am]

Source Information

Source file <MHV7BU.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PID3(PID,ICN,DFN,SSN) ;Build PID3 - Patient Identifier List
; Populates PID array with Patient Identifier List Entries for
; ICN, DFN, and SSN.
FMTNAME(NAME,SUBSEG,HL,DATATYPE) ;Format comma/space delimited name
; Populates SUBSEG array with formatted and escaped name components
; based on the DATATYPE passed. XCN types and XPN types differ in
; that XCN has an ID in the first component effectively shifting the
; name components by one.
; Looks up name components based on IEN and FILE passed.
; Populates SUBSEG array with formatted and escaped name components
; based on the DATATYPE passed. XCN types and XPN types differ in
; that XCN has an ID in the first component effectively shifting the
; name components by one.
FMTHL7(DT) ;Convert Fileman formatted dates to HL7 format
; Handles imprecise dates properly because $$FMTHL7^XLFDT does not.
; Strips Timezone offset
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