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Routine: MHV7R1

Package: My HealtheVet

Routine: MHV7R1


MHV7R1 ;WAS/GPM - HL7 RECEIVER FOR QBP QUERIES ; [12/31/07 3:11pm]

Source Information

Source file <MHV7R1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
QBPQ13 ;Process QBP^Q13 messages from the MHV QBP-Q13 Subscriber protocol
QBPQ11 ;Process QBP^Q11 messages from the MHV QBP-Q11 Subscriber protocol

Used in HL7 Interface

HL7 Protocol Name Call Tags
MHV QBP-Q13 Subscriber QBPQ13
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