NHINVPSI ;SLC/MKB -- Inpatient Pharmacy extract
Source file <NHINVPSI.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ID) | ; -- find patient's UD/IV meds
IN(ID,MED) | ; -- return a medication in MED("attribute")=value
; [expects PS0,OCL^PSOORRL data] |
IN1(ID,MED) | ; -- return a medication in MED("attribute")=value
; [expects OEL^PSOORRL data] |
ORD | ; get rest of inpatient data from ORDER
ORDLOC | ; enter here for just order# and location
IV(ID,MED) | ; -- return an infusion in MED("attribute")=value
; [expects PS0,OCL^PSOORRL data] |
IV1(ID,MED) | ; -- return an infusion in MED("attribute")=value
; [expects OEL^PSOORRL data] |
IVP | ; -- add IV products for ID,DFN
IVLIM(X) | ; -- Return expanded version of IV Limit X
FileNo | Call Tags |
^OR(100 - [#100] | GET1^DIQ |
^PS(52.6 - [#52.6] | GET1^DIQ |
^PS(52.7 - [#52.7] | GET1^DIQ |