NHINVSIT ;SLC/MKB -- Visit/Encounter extract
Source file <NHINVSIT.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ID) | ; -- find patient's visits and appointments
ENAA(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ID) | ; -- find patient's visits and appointments [AA]
IDT | ; -- invert BEG and END dates for visit format:
; IDT=(9999999-$P(VDT,"."))_"."_$P(VDT,".",2) |
EN1(IEN,VST) | ; -- return a visit in VST("attribute")=value
TIU(VISIT) | ; -- add notes to VST("document")
POV(VISIT) | ; -- return the primary Purpose of Visit as ICD^ProviderNarrative
ICD(IEN) | ; -- return code^description for ICD code, or "^" if error
CPT(VISIT) | ; -- Return CPT code of encounter type
AMIS(X) | ; -- return the AMIS code^name of Credit Stop X
CATG(X) | ; -- Return name of visit Service Category code X
SERV(FTS) | ; -- Return #42.4 Service for a Facility Treating Specialty
ADM(IEN,DATE,ADM) | ; -- return an admission in ADM("attribute")=value
ENC(IEN,ENC) | ; -- return an encounter in ENC("attribute")=value
XML(VISIT) | ; -- Return patient visit as XML
LOOP() | ; -- build sub-items string from NAMES and X
ADD(X) | ; -- Add a line @NHIN@(n)=X
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DGPM - [#405] | GET1^DIQ |
^SCE - [#409.68] | GET1^DIQ |
^SC - [#44] | GET1^DIQ |
^DIC(45.7 - [#45.7] | GET1^DIQ |
^TIU(8925 - [#8925] | FIND^DIC, GET1^DIQ |
^AUTNPOV - [#9999999.27] | GET1^DIQ |