OOPSGUI9 ;WIOFO/LLH-RPC routines ;10/24/01
Source file <OOPSGUI9.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; Input: IEN = Internal Entry Number of entry in file 2260 ; FORM = 2162,CA1, or CA2 ; CALLER = "E" employee ; = "S" supervisor ; = "O" safety officer ; = "W" worker's comp personnel ; WCEMP = from menu if 1 - need to execute emp validation ; VALID = RESERVED FOR OUTPUT DATA ; Output:VALID = 1 ALL REQUIRED DATA FOR FORM IS COMPLETE ; = 0 DATA IS MISSING |
DTCHK | ; Date error checking that may be missed w/input transform
; patch 11 - Additional error checking has been added for CA2 field 214 ; removed $G(WCEMP) from line below. same concern as above 10/24/01 llh |
EMP | ; Address fields are now all pulled from the 2162A node
; added fields 126 & 181,183-185 to lists below - patch 8 |
SUP | ;
PHYCHK | ; checks physician fields for appropriate form. If Phy Name not
; blank address fields required. If Phy Name blank and data in any ; address field then all fields required. |
SOF | ; the call to F2162 here is overkill. All these fields should
; already be completed, but just in case... ; removed field 89 from required list for patch 7 |
WCP | ; Get required fields for Workers Comp
F2162 | ; Set required fields for form 2162
FileNo | Call Tags |
^OOPS(2260 - [#2260] | GET1^DID, GET1^DIQ |