; Validates Electronic Signature and creates
; validation code to ensure data not changed
; Input: INPUT - FILE^FIELD^IEN where File and Field are the file
; and field the data is being filed into and IEN
; is the internal record number.
; SIGN - the electronic signature to be encrypted
; Output: RESULTS - is an array containing a list of fields that did
; not pass data validation prior to applying the ES.
; Call to return electronic signature to readable form
; Input: IEN - internal record number of CA7 case
; CALL - call menu - either E (Employee) or W (Workers Comp)
; FORM - form - right now only expects CA7
; Output: RESULTS - readable electronic signature
; Clear signature from CA7, if necessary
; Input: IEN - record IEN for CA7
; CALL - calling menu - either E (EMP) or W (Workers comp)
; FORM - form where ES should be removed (now only CA7)
; Get Detail Loc for specific incident setting
; Input: INPUT - File _"^"_Station IEN from a station in the
; site par file_"^"_rec ien from file to retrieve
; subfile information for.
; Output: RESULTS - listing of valid sub file data