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Routine: OOPSUTL4

Package: Asists

Routine: OOPSUTL4


OOPSUTL4 ;HINES/WAA-Utilities Routines ;3/24/98

Source Information

Source file <OOPSUTL4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; this subroutine called from ^DD so date error checking on fields
; 143, 144, 145 (if CA1) and 254, 255 (if CA2). returns a valid date
; (one passed in) if a date in FLD2 and is > than date passed in (DATE).
; Inputs: DATE - date entered in prompt
; FLD1 - field of prompt date entered in
; FLD2 - field of date to be checked against
; Outputs: VAL - contains valid date passed in if true & "" if false
; Input: IEN = Internal Entry Number of entry in file 2260
; FORM = 2162,CA1, or CA2
; CALLER = "E" employee
; = "S" supervisor
; = "O" safety officer
; = "W" worker's comp personnel
; WCEMP = from menu if 1 - need to execute emp validation
DTCHK ; Date error checking that may be missed w/input transform
; patch 11 - Additional error checking has been added for CA2 field 214
EMP ; Address fields are now all pulled from the 2162A node
; added fields 126 & 181,183-185 to lists below - patch 8
WCP ; Get required fields for Workers Comp
F2162 ; Set required fields for form 2162 - doesn't matter which menu
; coming from, Supervisor, Safety, WC (for EDIT REPORT OF INCIDENT)
UP(IN) ; Translate all lower to upper
VCHAR(IN) ; Check to make sure no invalid characters have been used
; input - IN, data entered by user
; output - VALID, if invalid characters used, = 0
ISEMP(IEN) ; Determine if PERSONNEL STATUS = employee
; Input - IEN = internal Entry Number of case in File 2260
; CAT = Personnel Status of Case in File 2260
; TST = valid Personnel status categories for employee
; Output - EMP = 1 Personnel status indicates employee
; 0 Personnel status indicates non-employee
FUT(DATE) ; Check for dates prior to Date of Inj/Ill
WP(OPFLD) ; Patch 8 - determine number of characters in WP fields that are
; limited to 532 characters & if invalid characters are present
; Input IEN - Internal Record ID of Case
; OPFLD - Field number of WP field to be calculated
; Output OPT - Total number of characters in all lines of WP field
; concatenated to VALID. ex: 165^1 or 180^0
; VALID - indicates whether invalid characters were detected

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Validating data on form ",FORM,"."
  • Line Location: VALIDATE+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"The following fields must be completed before the "_FORM_" can be signed.",!
  • Line Location: VALIDATE+30
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!?6,"This date cannot be prior to DATE/TIME INJURY OCCURRED entered on 2162.",!
  • Line Location: FUT+6

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^OOPS(2260 - [#2260] GET1^DID,  GET1^DIQ
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