ORWPFSS ; SLC/REV/GSS - CPRS PFSS Calls; 11/15/04 [11/15/04 11:43am]
Source file <ORWPFSS.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PFSSACTV(ORY) | ; Is PFSS active for this system/user/etc?
; RPC called by Delphi to determine if passing visit string |
ORACTREF(ORACTREF,ORIEN) | ;Return PFSS Account Reference Number (ARN)
; PFSS ARN in order file (#100) as field #97, i.e., ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.5) ; This API is covered under IA #4673 |
ORDERCK(ORIEN) | ; check validity of Order IEN (ORIEN)
; used by ORWPFSS & ORWPFSS1, access as $$ORDERCK^ORWPFSS(ORIEN) |
PKGTYP(ORIEN) | ; Build CPRS PFSS supported packages array
; returns 1 if order package type supported, otherwise returns 0 ; LR=Lab, RA=Radiology ; to add a package, include it above (documentation) & in For stmt below |
RPC Name | Call Tags |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^OR(100 - [#100] | GET1^DIQ |