ORY535 ;ISL/TDP - Pre- and Post-install for patch OR*3*535 ;Sep 11, 2024@14:16:13
Source file <ORY535.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRE | ; Initiate pre-init processes
CLRINDX | ;Delete the "B" index of file 100.04
POST | ; Initiate post-init processes
ACTIV(ORCHKRL,ORACTIV,PST) | ; Inactivate Order Check Rule
; ORCHKRL = Name of Order Check Rule in file 860.2 ; ORACTIV = Status of Order Check Rule. 0 = Active, 1 = Inactive, No value defaults to Active ; PST = Indicates METFORMIN EGFR - LAB RESULTS from Post-init code (1 = yes, 0 = no) |
RENAME(FILE,OROLD,ORNEW) | ; Rename file entry
PARAMSET | ;Set needed parameters at the Package levels
REMOVE | ;Kill off invalid entries made due to bad "B" index setting in
NATIONAL | ;Set the NATIONAL (#.05) field for the nationally released
REINDEX | ;Reindex "B" cross reference in file 100.04
REASONS | ;File 100.04 file entries
FileNo | Call Tags |
^ORD(100.04 - [#100.04] | Classic Fileman Calls, DELIX^DDMOD |
^OCXS(860.3 - [#860.3] | Classic Fileman Calls |