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Routine: PRCAI164

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: PRCAI164


PRCAI164 ;ALB/LDB-post init patch 164 ;19 Nov 00

Source Information

Source file <PRCAI164.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
START ; start post init
PAYMENT(RCTRANDA,RCFREPRT) ; mark payment transaction as incomplete and adjust bill
; pass rcfrept equal to 1 to build mailman report. since prepayment
; payments to other bills are already printed on report, pass a zero
; to stop the setting of the tmp global
PREPAY ; fix a prepayment
; at entry point, rctranda is the increase adjustment to rcbillda
PREPAYAD(RCTRANDA) ; get rid of a transaction on a prepayment bill
ADDCOMM(RCRCPT) ; add comment on payments on receipt to show they have been removed
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