Prompt: !!,"This option will loop through your 'ITEM MASTER' file and correct any Food Group",!,"that it can i.e. from 01 to 1, 02 to 2 etc. If it finds any Food Group for which",!
Line Location: PRCHCLN+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: "the correct Food Group can not be determined, it will print the report."
Line Location: PRCHCLN+5
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"No items with 'Uncorrectable' Food Groups have been found."
Line Location: PRCHCLN+7
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Some items in your 'ITEM MASTER' file have invalid Food Groups that the system cannot correct. Select a device to print the list of those items."
Line Location: PRCHCLN+8
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: @IOF,"Report Of Invalid Food Groups",?57,PRCHPDAT,?73,"PAGE ",PRCHPAGE,!