Prompt: !!,"To delete a schedule, zero out the quantity to be delivered. To add a new",!,"delivery schedule do the following:",!!
Line Location: X12+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: "a. If there is no delivery schedule already in file answer 'Yes' when asked if you are adding a new delivery schedule."
Line Location: X13+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"b. If there is only one delivery schedule already in the file you will see 'OK? YES//' answer 'No' and then answer 'Yes' when asked if you are adding a new delivery schedule."
Line Location: X14+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"c. If there is more than one delivery schedule in the file, hit <return> key at 'CHOOSE' prompt and answer 'Yes' when asked if you are adding a new delivery schedule."