PRCPCUT1 ;WISC/RFJ-case cart & instrument kit utilities ; 06/23/2009 2:09 PM
Source file <PRCPCUT1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
FILENUMB(ITEMDA) | ; return file number for item
CHECK(INVPT,NOWRITE) | ; check inventory point keeping perpetual and history
; if $g(nowrite)=1 do not write information on screen ; return 1 if keep perpetual or keep tran reg is no |
ADDCCIK(INVPT,CCIKITEM,ITEMDA,QUANTITY) | ; add case cart or instrument kit
; add itemda to ccikitem in invpt with quantity |
GETDEF(FILE,ITEMDA) | ; get definition of items in cc (file=445.7) or ik (file=445.8)
; return: ; ^tmp($j,"prcplist",itemda)=qty <- both reusable and disposable ; ^tmp($j,"prcplist-disp",itemda)=qty <- disposables only |
QUANTITY(HIGHNUM,TYPE) | ; enter quantity to assemble or disassemble
; highnum=high range ; type='A'ssemble or 'D'isassemble |
ICPT(DA,PRCDT) | ; ef - return icpt code and name