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Package: IFCAP



PRCPSMCS ;WISC/RFJ-create and transmit isms code sheet from tmp ;7/8/96 9:30 AM

Source Information

Source file <PRCPSMCS.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000
TRANSMIT(V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6) ; transmit code sheets from tmp global
; v1=station number
; v2=transaction code (BAL or PHA, etc)
; v3=reference number for header
; v4=1stQueue^2ndQueue^... (form ISM or ISM^EDP)
; v5=receiving station number for control segment
; v6=transaction interface version number...padded to 3 numbers
; with leading zeros
; tmp($j,"string",1:n)=code sheet data
; returns prcpxmz(sequence number)=mailman message number
CONTROL(V1,V2,V3,V4,V5) ; build control segment
; v1=station number
; v2=transaction code
; v3=reference number
; v4=receiving station number
; v5=transaction intreface version number
; returns control segment string
LINECNT(V1,V2) ;line count segment
; v1=line count
; v2=reference number
; returns line count segment
MAILMSG(V1,V2,V3,V4) ;create mail message
; v1=sequence number
; v2=total sequences
; v3=transaction type
; v4=1stQueue^2ndQueue^... (form ISM or ISM^EDP)
; returns xmz message number
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