Source file <PRCVEE1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; REF is passed in as node for ^XTMP(REF) ; PRCVDT is passed in as node for ^XTMP(REF,PRCVDT) ; Note: PRCVDT is really two data elements $H and comma delimited ; There are two XTMP structures for this process. The first is ; for the original message sent from IFCAP. The first node is ; "PRCVUP*"+the RIL or 2237 number. The second node is $H. The third ; node is either 0,1 or 2. Zero is the standard ^XTMP structure ; plus $H. The 1 node contains header information common to all ; items. The 2 node contains detail information to be sent. ; Subordinate to the 2 node is a counter node unique for each item. ; Under the 1 and 2 nodes, will reside an "ERR" node with ; subordinate counters for multiple errors per item. The second ; ^XTMP is a pointer to the PRCVUP*xxx node. The first node is ; "PRCVMID*"+the Message Control ID for the original message. ; The 1 node contains the PRCVUP*+xxx and $H to point back to the ; original XTMP("PRCVUP*"+RIL/2237) ; PRCPRO - Procedure call ID ; PRCERR - Error array for processing message errors ; PRCFS - Field separator ; PRCCS - Component separator ; PRCRS - Repetition separator ; PRCEE - Escape separator ; PRCSC - Sub-component separator ; PRCMID - Message Control ID for sent message ; ORCDAT - a single field that holds an ORC Segment ; RQD - an array of fields for the RQD segment ; RQ1 - an array of fields for the RQ1 segment ; ORC - an array of fields for the ORC segment ; PRCCNT - a record counter ; PRCVY - Loop counter |
BUILD | ;Create the ORC record for the message
ORC | ;Build ORC Segment
RQD | ;Build RQD segment
SEND | ;Send record to HL7 interface to DynaMed
MSGRTN | ;Send message to Fund Control Point users for update
CLEAN | ;Clean up variables