PRCVRC2 ;WOIFO/BMM/VAC - silently build RIL for DynaMed ; 12/3/07 10:32am
Source file <PRCVRC2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
V | ;;5.1;IFCAP;**81,119**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 8
GETFY(PRCVDT) | ;return the fiscal year, PRCVDT is date/time the DM
GETQTR(PRCVDT) | ;return the fiscal quarter, PRCVDT is date/time the DM
GETTXN(PRCVSTR) | ;obtain current transaction number (if exists) from
CHKDT(INDT) | ;check the incoming date (date/time message created) against
CHKDTN(INDT) | ;check the incoming date (Date Needed By from DynaMed)
CHKBOC(ITEM,BOC) | ;test BOC from passed-in detail record
CHKFCP(PRCVFCP,PRCVST) | ;validate that FCP is in 420
CHKITM(PRCVITM) | ;check extracted item number:
CHKVEND(VENDN) | ;check that vendor in Vendor file is active.
CHKVI(VENDN,ITMN) | ;check that vendor VENDN sells item ITMN
CHKDUZ(INDUZ) | ;validate that DUZ against New Person (#200)
CHKNIF(ITEM,NIF) | ;use the passed-in item to check that the passed-in
MAKECAP(INSTR) | ;take INSTR and return an all-caps version of it
SENDMSG(EC,PRCVGL,CTR,ERPC) | ;send an alert or error message back to
ADDAUD(ADDSTR) | ;add "^"-pieces from ADDSTR as fields to a new record in
FileNo | Call Tags |
^PRCS(410.1 - [#410.1] | FIND^DIC |
420.01 | FIND1^DIC |
^PRC(440 - [#440] | GET1^DIQ |
^PRC(441 - [#441] | GET1^DIQ |