PSOCLADD ;BHAM ISC/DMA - Clozapine Registration Pharmacy Auto Update ;18 May 2020 12:29:40
Source file <PSOCLADD.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
TRGR(DFN,PSOCLZNW) | ; Register/Re-Register Clozapine Patient
SAVE | ; Save new NCCC number and Active status to File 55
; If patient has never been added to Pharmacy Patient file, add them now |
ADD2TXT(L) | ; add line L to the Message text
SEND | ; Send Message to PSOCLZAU mail group
OVR5252(B5252,RXIEN) | ; File fields into CLOZAPINE PRESCRIPTION OVERRIDES file (#52.52)
; Input: B5252 = IEN of current entry from CLOZAPINE PRESCRIPTION OVERRIDES (#52.52) ; RXIEN = IEN from PRESCRIPTION file #52 associated with current entry from CLOZAPINE PRESCRIPTRION OVERRIDES (#52.52) ; Output: OVERRIDE PROVIDER Field (#8) in CLOZAPINE PRESCRIPTION OVERRIDES (#52.52) ; ORDER Field (#9) CLOZAPINE PRESCRIPTION OVERRIDES (#52.52) |
OVERONE(PSI5252,RXIEN,PSOPR,PSORN,PSOVRTM) | ; Update previously filed override entry for the same RX
FileNo | Call Tags |
^OR(100 - [#100] | GET1^DIQ |
^DPT - [#2] | GET1^DIQ |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |
^PSRX - [#52] | FIND^DIC |
^PS(52.52 - [#52.52] | GET1^DIQ |
^PS(55 - [#55] | FIND1^DIC |
^YSCL(603.01 - [#603.01] | FIND1^DIC, FIND^DIC, GET1^DIQ |