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Routine: PXKCO

Package: PCE Patient Care Encounter

Routine: PXKCO


PXKCO ;ISL/JVS,ESW - Provider-Dx-CPT-VSIT at check-out ; 01/27/2021

Source Information

Source file <PXKCO.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 1

Package Total Call Graph
PCE Patient Care Encounter 1 UPD^VSIT  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 4

Package Total Caller Graph
PCE Patient Care Encounter 2 PXK SDAM TO V-FILES  PXUTLVST  
Kernel 1 ^ORD(101  
Order Entry Results Reporting 1 ORWPCE  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN1 ;Pims Check-out entry point
  • ICR #3225
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    PRI(PRI,DSS) ;

    External References

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    UPD^VSIT EN+37

    Interaction Calls

    Name Line Occurrences
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !,"This is NOT an entry point!!"
    • Line Location: PXKCO+20

    Global Variables Directly Accessed

    Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
    ^AUPNVSIT - [#9000010] EN+20, EN+21
    ^DG(40.8 - [#40.8] EN+28
    ^DIC(40.7 - [#40.7] SVC+12, SVC+13, PRI+8, PRI+9
    ^SC - [#44] SVC+14
    ^VSIT(150.1 - [#150.1] SVC+13, PRI+8, PRI+9

    Label References

    Name Line Occurrences
    $$PRI EN+35
    $$SVC EN+34
    SVCQ SVC+11, SVC+12

    Local Variables


    >> Not killed explicitly
    * Changed
    ! Killed
    ~ Newed

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    DSS SVC~, SVC+12, SVC+13, SVC+14, PRI~, PRI+8, PRI+9
    LOC SVC~, SVC+14
    NODE EN+13~, EN+21*, EN+33, EN+34, EN+35
    NODE0 EN+13~, EN+20*, EN+22, EN+25, EN+28
    PRI PRI~, PRI+8*, PRI+9*, PRI+10
    PXKDIV EN+13~, EN+27*, EN+28
    PXKIO SVC~, SVC+17
    PXKNODA EN+10~, EN+15*, EN+17, EN+25, EN+26, EN+27, EN+33, EN+34
    PXKNODB EN+10~, EN+14*, EN+16, EN+26, EN+27
    PXKOE EN+1~, EN+11*, EN+14, EN+15
    PXKORG EN+1~, EN+7*, EN+8*, EN+11, EN+14, EN+15
    PXKREF EN+1~, EN+2*, EN+8, EN+11, EN+14, EN+15
    >> SDHDL EN1+2
    STOP EN+1~, EN+2*, EN+8*, EN+9
    SVC SVC~, SVC+11, SVC+12*, SVC+13*, SVC+14*, SVC+16*, SVC+17*, SVC+18*, SVCQ
    U EN+25, EN+26, EN+27, EN+28, EN+33, EN+34, EN+35
    VSIT EN1+1~, EN+12!, EN+38!
    VSIT("DSS" EN+26*, EN+30, EN+33, EN+34, EN+35
    VSIT("ELG" EN+25*, EN+30
    VSIT("IEN" EN+17*, EN+18, EN+20, EN+21
    VSIT("IENB" EN+16*
    VSIT("INS" EN+28*, EN+30
    VSIT("PRI" EN+35*
    VSIT("SVC" EN+34*
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