PXP211I ;SLC/PKR - Init routine for PX*1.0*211 ;08/27/2020
Source file <PXP211I.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ADDDS | ;Add entries to PCE DATA SOURCE.
BINDEX | ;Make sure the "B" index matches what is in the .01, for Education
DSB | ;Redo the PCE Data Source "B" index so it is the full length.
GENPNAME | ;For any entry missing a print names generate one.
HFCAT | ;Append "[C]" to the .01 of all category factors.
HFPNAME(NAME,REPA) | ;Turn name into a print name for health factors.
HFREPA(REPA) | ;Establish the replacements for health factor print names.
MVTREAT | ;Move Treatment from sequence 13 to 15 on PXCE ADD/EDIT MENU.
PRE | ;Pre-init
POST | ;Post-init
PROVNARB | ;Redo the Provider Narrative "B" index so it is the full
RBLDBI | ;Make sure the is only one "B" index for PCE Data Source and
RMNCTE | ;Remove the national class entries that were created for testing.
RMOLDDDS | ;Remove old data dictionaries.
RMPNSCREEN | ;Remove the incorrect Provider Narrative screens.
SDPCE | ;Edit the Description and Entry Action of the protocol SDAM PCE EVENT.
SETCLASS | ;Until a decision on national entries has been made make everything
UPCNAME | ;Make sure all entries have upppercase .01s.
VSCINDEX | ;Initialize or rebuild the Clinical Reminders Index for V Standard Codes.
VSCITASK | ;Start a TaskMan job the for rebuilding the V Standard Codes
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^ORD(101 - [#101] | FIND1^DIC |
^PX(839.7 - [#839.7] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^AUPNVSC - [#9000010.71] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^AUTTEDT - [#9999999.09] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^AUTNPOV - [#9999999.27] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^AUTTHF - [#9999999.64] | FIND1^DIC |