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Package: Accounts Receivable



RCBECHGS ;WISC/RFJ-add charges to an account or bill (top routine) ;1 Jun 00

Source Information

Source file <RCBECHGS.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
FIRSTPTY ; add int/admin charges to all benefit debts
; this entry point is called from CCPC on the
; statement day
; variable rclasdat passed equal to statement date
NONBENE ; add int/adm/penalty charges to all non-benefit debts
; this includes vendor, employee, ex-employee.
; this is called by prcabj. it does not update first party
; debts since they work off a set statement day where as
; non-benefit debts could be any statement day.
CHGACCT(RCDEBTDA,RCUPDATE) ; get bills for debtor and add charges
; for a given date in rcupdate
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