RCBEPAY ;WISC/RFJ - payment processing (top routine) ;1 Jun 00
Source file <RCBEPAY.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PROCESS(RCRECTDA,RCPAYDA) | ; process a payment for receipt
; rcrectda - receipt ien file 344 ; rcpayda - payment ien file 344 under rcrectda ; returns 0 if processed, 1^error if not processed |
SETAMT(RCRECTDA,RCPAYDA,RCAMOUNT) | ; update the amount posted on the receipt
SETERROR(RCRECTDA,RCPAYDA,RCERROR) | ; store the error on the receipt
; or clear the posting error if null and defined ; error is null and posting error data in file is null |
AUDIT(RCRECTDA,RCPAYDA,RCSTAT,RCMTS) | ; store entry in Suspense Audit Log
; Input ; RCRECTDA - IEN of Receipt file #344 ; RCPAYDA - IEN of Receipt Transaction file #344.01 ; RCSTAT - Status I = In Suspense, P = Paid or R = Refund ; RCMTS(N) - Array of Multi-Trans split information (OPTIONAL) ; $P(2) = AMOUNT ; $P(3) = Suspense comment ; $P(4) = Account/Claim ; e.g. ; RCMTS(1)="290613;PRCA(430,^2^^K100005" ; RCMTS(2)="290618;PRCA(430,^2^^K100010" ; RCMTS(3)="^2.42^Collected/Closed^" |
SUSPDIS(RCRECTDA,RCTRANDA,RCSTAT) | ;Update the disposition field